The Journey of The Mystic Rider

 The Mystic Rider

Journey of The Mystic Rider:

Design rather than default, was the great saying which somehow shaken him since childhood. It’s been told to him that, he was born on road… Yes true! Since the time of birth, he got his graduation as BBA (Born Before Arrival at the hospital). Probably it was the 1st unconditional decision taken by him to come out in to this world. The Love for ROAD is inherited from the creation itself.  It was not well known to all that ROADs will have a major role to play in his later stage of life and life moved on the way it was supposed to as everyone moves, with imposed conditionings. It’s always been told to him “You cannot always choose how, when and even where?”.

Deep rooted in childhood:

When was at class 6th got 1st prize in bicycles competition set the tone for riding at school level itself, surroundings wanted him to be a doctor as elder brother an engineer and elder sister as an advocate. During his high school level, again its shaken all when he reached in to a state level final public speaking competition on subject “Nature and its blessings to mankind”. Everything went as per plan except the case of Ansh, he chose to be a finance professional as his career choice. Blood of teacher was there and gradually moved on to training domain after few years of professional work with various national & international organizations. Aakancha once his boss was ignited the dormant fire within for contemporary riding. Yes, will be updating more about this soon. 

Initial recognition:

Once was travelling in east coastal belt of India encountered with the famous proverb, which literally translates as “Basil’s seedling spreads its aroma right from the first two leaves!”. Growing up, he was being told that sacrifices what made the LIFE. We can’t have all and absolute; we must need to sacrifice one in hope of another.

While growing with the imposed popular culture of capitalism, money fame as symbol of success, he conditioned to move ahead as programmed machine to be an efficient technician as desired by the so called social order. The fundamental understanding was, study well, do a good job, earn huge lot of money with an objective to live in peace and pursue passion. Fortunately, once realized that the very act of job and so called conditional works stealing away the peace of mind. If the objective is diluted than what needs to be done?

Journey with a question:

What I want to do? Is the only question which took him in to deep within, in finding his own passion & solution.  It was long back, since the time unknown,  when somehow, he was convinced that it’s not required to be expressed as part of society to being human as per social order, it’s not necessarily required to accept any theories or concepts propagated by many through years. The fundamental question remains unanswered during those days, if the above is true and he was so very certain with not accepting any theories or concept, he started manoeuvring around the central question “What I want to do? 

The creative mind explores whatever it is fascinated by rather than building up an armoury of skills. :- The Art of Creative Thinking Rod Judkins

It was Probing not Seeking:

In searching of an answer to the very basic, within the mind, which suggested It’s probably the question of how to cross the hot stream of confusion & conflicts, which conditioned for years through various route. May be a kind of searching an end or result at which can say “Yes this is complete fulfilment”. It was a clear understanding, that this beauty state of life is neither the result of egotistic personal expression, nor it’s a product of any disciplinary theoretical practice. This can’t be derived from continuous compulsion and imitation. The same also can’t be acquired through romantic religious sentiment or conclusions drawn by many according to their level of convenience. This is how his journey started in exploring and examining while travelling different places on his motor bike, from a time unknown. It’s not required to remember when started, but start NOW is the only way out, the beginning is always NOW. The discovery himself as soul traveller "The Mystic Rider".